The new horror film Oculus, which was directed by Mike Flanagan, opens with a family of four, Alan, a computer developer, his wife Marie, and their two children, 10 year-old Tim and 13 year-old Kaylie. The family is renovating their home when they purchase an antique mirror to add to the décor level of the house. Soon after the family begins to have numerous issues, starting with Alan, who begins being seduced by a ghostly woman with mirrors for eyes.
Over a relatively short period of time, numerous things of the evil sorts occur with the family, including the attempted murder of the children by their mother. Alan chains Marie against a wall for this act, and over time he do goes mad and unchains her, and they both try to murder the children together. Marie gains sanity only to be shot by Alan. The whole ordeal ends with Alan being taken in by the police, and the siblings being separated, and they vowed to meet up as adults to destroy the mirror. In the future the two meet up, and observe the mirror via security cameras, with a giant boulder dangling above the mirror as a kill switch. The mirror possessed the two and they disabled the cameras, returned to their observation room, and the spirits left them. They realize that the cameras are offline and soon and chaos begins, utterly ending with Alan trying to destroy the mirror by using the kill switch but killing his sister instead. The police arrive and arrest Alan for the murder of his sister, and is drug away by law enforcement as the ghosts of all the victims, including his family watch his departure from the house.
Parts of this movie were a bit predictable but on the plus side there were some good jump scares. Some parts were a bit confusing and had an unsatisfying ending. What I didn’t get was that they put a boulder dangling above the mirror to kill someone why didn’t they use something rational. So if we were to pick a good movie I wouldn’t pick this one. Over all we give this move a rating of 3 out of 5