CNN recently broadcasted a startling new documentary “Girl Rising,” directed by Academy Award nominee Richard Robbins. This documentary tells the stories of girls across the globe and the power of education to the change the world.
The stories of these young girls are told by renowned actresses such as Maryl Streep, Cate Blanchette, and Selena Gomez. This movie explains why all girls need an education. It is an informative, educational documentary about the lives of young girls that are living in countries where education for girls is not a priority. This film shows the hardships these girls and young women have to face on a regular basis. While nothing graphic is shown, the movie explains the disturbing topics including slavery, child marriage, rape, and human trafficking.
This movie may be difficult to watch for some, but it is important to push back the sadness, discomfort, and the horrifying moments and realize what is going on in this world. All these stories are very touching and deserving of attention. One girl with courage is a revolution.
Check your local listings for rebroadcasts of “Girl Rising.”