Do relationships in high school make Senior’s successful?

Jocelyn Larios, Reporter

   The second semester has begun this year couples are coming out from left to right. There are new people every day stating that they’re either talking to someone or with someone. It’s not a bad thing at all but how does a relationship affect your education. How does it feel being in a relationship as a senior? Graduation is around the corner how does it feel now being in a relationship? Is it gonna last? Are you gonna end it right after? How long are you thinking about being with that person?

       Currently being in a relationship and being a senior not gonna lie is nice. You not only have a significant other by your side but it helps during stressful times. As a senior, there is a lot of stressful times so having someone is so nice. Graduation and my relationship is something I don’t really look at or worry about because my boyfriend is no longer a high school student. Having a boyfriend that does not attend school anymore from my point of view the way to go. The reason why is because I don’t get any distractions during school I focus on what I’m doing in school.

         Am I thinking about ending my relationship right after I graduate? No, I enjoy where I’m at with my significant other. I wanna be with this person because they make me happy but no matter what they are not gonna hold me back from doing what I have to do with my education that I will be continuing after high school. But with the person, I’m with I don’t have to worry because he pushes me regardless and always makes sure I’m doing everything I gotta do which is key in a relationship. Always make time for someone that does little things like motivate you.