Yellowjackets tennis overwhelms Titans, 15-3

Top three singles take all sets as Colton wins their second match in a row

Annaleigha Hernandez

Kimberly Emilio fires off a strong forehand against her opponent from Grand Terrace.

Colton, CA—Anytime Colton matches up against district rival, Grand Terrace, it is always worth stopping to pay attention. Yesterday, the ladies’ tennis team played a smooth match, dominating the Titans, 15-3.

After winning their last match against Notre Dame, the Yellowjackets were prepared to take on Grand Terrace with more morale and chemistry. Coach Omar Menjivar explained this process. ”We’re building our team since the game at Summit to add momentum.”

The match started with Shantel Marentes, Emily Ramirez, and Kimberly Emilio as the top three Colton singles. All three went 3-0 in each of their matches against the Titan top three. 

For varsity doubles were also outstanding with the first match starting with Valeria Pech/Hazel Ramirez, Jasmin Almazan/Natalie Diaz, and Ashley Galvan/Cecilia Flores, the last of whom won all 3 of their sets.

Despite defeating the opposition, some humble compliments were spoken from a doubles player Valeria Pech. “The way they were serving the ball made it seem like they were softball players.”

The team now sets their sights on Carter on the 28th. with the yellowjackets scoring their victory and improving on their play. Perhaps this future game will be just as victorious.