Colton, CA—On January 15, HEAL gathered students from freshman to seniors in the Mac Gym to meet and spread community awareness about leptospirosis.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, leptospirosis is a bacteria that infects people and animals. It can be found in water and soil and “without treatment, leptospirosis in people can lead to kidney damage, meningitis (inflammation of the membrane around the brain and spinal cord), liver failure, trouble breathing, and even death.”
Nearly a million cases are reported each year, with approximately 60,000 deaths.
With this in mind, HEAL brought the pathway together to engage in different aspects of the waterborne disease. In groups, students discussed ways to cure, avoid, and warn the community about it.
HEAL advisor Kristin Griffith loves the work the students do at this event. “They get to work with their peers in different grade levels in a way they can’t do in their regular classes. They are getting to simulate working in real life situations, like collaborating with different departments.”
HEAL student Adrian Cuevas believes more people should be aware of this disease. “It caused negative side effects and should be brought to the attention of many,” he said.
As part of the full day event, students participated in icebreaker activities, raffles, and worked on their projects and presentations. The day culminated in group presentations of their bright and engaging posters.
“It was a good experience,” said Sophomore Josie Ramos. “It was good for all the different grades to gather with each other.”