Fun and games draw attention to conservation efforts
Eco-Friendly Friends Club hosts Earth Day themed activity event during lunch to promote environmental awareness
CHS students play the memory game at the Earth Day event hosted by the Eco-Friendly Club on Apr. 27 during lunch.
Colton, CA—On Thursday, April 27, The Eco-Friendly Friends Club hosted an Eco-Earth Day Celebration during 1st and 2nd lunch.
Held at the front of the Rivera MPR, the event featured three activity booths designed to highlight a different element of environmental awareness.
One of the booths featured a memory game to remind players of the reason for staying environmentally conscious. Another booth provided an opportunity to make friendship bracelets, and the last one consisted of a trash toss game which taught students the proper way to dispose of their waste. Prizes were awarded for each game.
Eco-Friendly President Ashley Galvan said, “We want to spread awareness and let everybody know that we are a club on campus that is trying to help out the environment and the campus itself.”
The event was planned to celebrate Earth Day, which was on April 22. According to the World Economic Forum, Earth Day “draws attention to the environment and promotes conservation and sustainability. Each year, 1 billion individuals across more than 190 countries take action to raise awareness of the climate crisis and bring about behavioral change to protect the environment.”
Sophomore Kaeley Diaz said, “I think they should host another event like this. It was pretty fun and it was interactive.”
Recently, the CHS Publications Department experienced a major theft as over $20,000 in photography equipment was stolen from our studio over Spring Break. This included all cameras. Any amount you donate will help rebuild our program. Thank you!

Alexander Sanchez is a sophomore. This is his 2nd year as a staff writer for the Pepper Bough. You can tell he's a hard worker because of the bags under...