Middle schoolers invade CHS to learn about high school
Club Rush takes center stage at annual incoming orientation event
Aiden Smith shares information with some inquisitive future Yellowjackets at the Club Rush event as part of the Incoming Freshman orientation on Jan. 23-24.
Colton,CA—On January 23rd and 24th ASB held Club Rush at the Rivera for the incoming freshman next year as part of Colton High’s annual incoming Freshman orientation.
The purpose of Club Rush is to encourage students to join activities in school because “they start to drift away from school if we don’t capture their attention. So that’s the goal is to get them involved in something so that they’ll stay and get committed to Colton High.” said ASB and Renaissance Adviser Alexandra Buskirk.
Club Rush was one part of a larger freshman orientation event. Organized by ASB and Link Crew, this event involved students from Colton Middle and Joe Baca Middle Schools getting tours of the campus, meeting potential teachers, interacting with upperclassmen, and enjoying their first pep rally experience.
The Rivera was filled with incoming freshmen and as they got their food; they were advised by ASB President Duke Medina to check out all of the clubs that CHS had to offer. Student representatives for a wide array of CHS clubs and organizations worked to recruit new students for next year. Clubs and organizations included all CHS sports teams, as well as clubs like Eco-Friendly Friends, HIVE Media, the Drama Club, and CHS Publications.
“We want people to join the club because it will give us more opportunities to do things,” says Freshman Camila Hernandez who ran the Drama Club booth during Club Rush.
As the incoming Freshman walked around the booths CHS students began to get creative.
To get students to join their clubs many booths like band and boys soccer walked around with their signs over their heads and talked to students to convince them to sign up.
Meanwhile, other CHS students that were running the booths also got creative and walked around handing out papers to the incoming freshman so they could sign up for clubs. The publications department shared samples of last year’s yearbook, and the Pepper Bough staff had a computer available to show off their online newspaper.
Prior to the event ASB had helped with making posters and setting up the tables for the Club Rush, but senior Glory Mgbemere said it was all thanks to Buskirk for making it happen.
“[Mrs. Buskirk] was really really really a big part of the Club Rush,” Mgbemere said. “She was the one that organized us, she was always on the mic, always making sure that we were doing our job, and helping us out so that we could really execute the Club Rush.”
And with that Club Rush was a success for the incoming freshman and CHS.
Recently, the CHS Publications Department experienced a major theft as over $20,000 in photography equipment was stolen from our studio over Spring Break. This included all cameras. Any amount you donate will help rebuild our program. Thank you!

Daphne Marquez is currently a junior at Colton High School. This is her third year on the Pepper Bough staff, and her first as Editor-in-Chief.