Link Crew wins annual door decoration contest
The annual PBIS door decoration contest honored the anti-bullying spirit of Unity Week at CHS
The winner of this year’s PBIS Unity Week door decorating contest was Link Crew’s door in room 505B.
Colton,CA—On October 21, Colton High held a door decorating contest sponsored by PBIS in honor of Unity Week.
“We wanted to give not only our students, but our classrooms an opportunity to showcase their take on what kindness means to them,” said assistant principal Diyaira Durham.
With only four participants in the door decorating contest, there wasn’t much room for competition. Link Crew’s “Nightmare Before Christmas”-themed door knocked out the competition and they won first place. For their efforts, they received a breakfast of donuts and milk on October 24.
Link Crew adviser Michael Esquivel was excited for his hard-working Link Crew students in first period. “They worked very hard on the door. I have a big class, so they were all able to chip in and able to come up with a plan and execute it. They did a good job.”
Durham hopes next year there will be more students and staff participating as judges to get everyone more involved in the contest.
“We’ll do a better job next year with giving our teams enough time to enter and come up with an idea,” Durham said.
The Door Decorating contest is judged based on four criteria: Quality of Construction, Creativity, Design, and Attention to Theme. Link Crew’s door earned top marks in all four categories.
There were also a variety of catchy slogans to go along with the theme of the doors like “Rise Up Against Bullying,” which consisted of gravestones and zombies coming out; or, “Don’t be a BOO-ly,” which was surrounded by ghosts.
Even though this year’s contest wasn’t as bone-chilling as last year’s, CHS hopes to encourage more students and staff to participate by next year.
Recently, the CHS Publications Department experienced a major theft as over $20,000 in photography equipment was stolen from our studio over Spring Break. This included all cameras. Any amount you donate will help rebuild our program. Thank you!

Daphne Marquez is currently a junior at Colton High School. This is her third year on the Pepper Bough staff, and her first as Editor-in-Chief.