CJUSD offers online personalized tutoring service to provide 24/7 academic support
Paper.co is an online tutoring service that has live tutors on standby to help students both during and after school
Paper.co provides 24/7 tutoring and support for CHS students.
Sometimes teachers can’t help every student at once, but Paper.co provides a solution.
Anywhere, anytime, 24/7, Paper.co offers students the opportunity to get help while they’re studying at home or even during school.
The online tutoring service provides help in a large range of categories such as Mathematics, Biology, Spanish, and more. Tutoring is also available in multiple languages, supporting English, Mandarin, Spanish, and French.
The service began being offered at the start of the 2021-2022 school year. The service is paid for by the Colton Joint Unified School District’s Education Services Division. According to Rosemary Miller, the district’s 7-12 English-Language Arts Teacher on Assignment, the cost to the district is $35.04 per student, per year.
And so far the service has been working. “Last semester we had over 1000 after hours—4 p.m. or later—tutoring sessions,” said Miller. “Live help from CJUSD would not have been available for those students when they needed it if we did not contract with Paper.co for their services.“
In addition to availability, Paper.co is also centered around providing individualized support for student users. Ms. Lucy Leyva, an English teacher at Colton High, has been using the service with her students to support their writing. “Paper gives students more personalized feedback that allows them to improve their writing,” said Leyva. “The more eyes on the paper the better.”
According to Paper.co, the reason for their success is how picky they are in selecting their tutors. According to Paper.co’s Tutor section online, they claim their tutors are all “Efficient and clear communicators, high performing college students or graduates, approachable, supportive and patient, screen aptitude-tested and trained, culturally diverse and multilingual, expert across K-12 subject areas, and committed to helping students succeed.”
The service provides a rating system for users to evaluate their tutors and leave comments for site administrators.
Miller added, “Teachers can relax in the evening and recharge for the next day’s lessons while students easily access live, human help from the Paper.co icon in Classlink. Paper.co has been very helpful for the students that have taken advantage of this service.”
Recently, the CHS Publications Department experienced a major theft as over $20,000 in photography equipment was stolen from our studio over Spring Break. This included all cameras. Any amount you donate will help rebuild our program. Thank you!

Misael Terriquez is a sophomore at Colton High. He writes for the Pepper Bough.