Eco-Friendly Friends Club starts schoolwide recycling contest
From Dec. 2 through 10, the Eco-Friendly Friends Club is holding a schoolwide Recycling Competition between fifth period classes.
Colton, CA—Saving the planet is on the minds of the Colton High School Eco-Friendly Friends Club, and they want it on the minds of the rest of the school as well.
Starting December 2 and continuing through December 10, the Club is encouraging all fifth period classes to join its first annual Recycling Competition. The class that collects the most recyclables will win a class donut party.
Participating classes are asked to turn in their recyclables in clearly labeled boxes to room 64 on December 10. The winner will be announced on December 13.
Classes interested in participating in the Recycling Competition are invited to submit a participation form online.
Recycling is the process of turning items like plastic and aluminum back into their raw materials so they can be reused in the creation of new packaging materials or products. This helps the reduce the pollution caused by the manufacturing of new items in addition to reducing the amount of waste in landfills. Supporting recycling initiatives is a good way to play a small part in helping stabilize the environment.
Recently, the CHS Publications Department experienced a major theft as over $20,000 in photography equipment was stolen from our studio over Spring Break. This included all cameras. Any amount you donate will help rebuild our program. Thank you!