“Lifelines” shares the experience of staff writer Mia Zamora as she works through the CNA program as part of Colton High’s partnership with CRY-ROP, the Colton-Redlands-Yucaipa Regional Occupation Program. Throughout the school year, Mia will provide updates and an inside look into the world of professional training while also attending high school classes.
At the beginning of this new journey, I never thought I would see myself working with others like this . . .
It was the first day of class and after a series of awkward grins and icebreakers, we were given our first task. Weighing each other. I worked with students I never met before.

Now, I am not one for making small talk, and when I do, I look like an aloof monkey. So, all this pushed me out of my comfort zone as we all got up close and personal. After we were done weighing each other, I found myself gaining some new friends.
And as my first day ended and the drive back home started, I realized the CNA program is where I am meant to be.
The CNA program is a specialized course that teaches the fundamentals of being a Certified Nursing Assistant. We receive training in various nursing skills and life saving methods both in the classroom and in actual medical facilities for future patients after the program ends.
I never imagined I could get this far, especially with this experience under my belt now. But it has always been like that for me.
When I was a child—I still am, although I would say I’m a pretty grown one—kindness came to me like breathing. The understanding of showing people empathy in their lives made my life brighter overall. Now I know a lot of people and have achieved a lot of extraordinary things working together with them. But, like I said earlier, I struggle with talking to people.

My involvement in programs like HEAL, STEAM and AVID have broken this cycle which makes me feel as though my life is being turned upside down and then flipped upside like a sunny side egg. I never imagined I would be the one actually driving the boat when I joined the Solar Boat Team!
Now my life has taken me in another direction, this time continuing my HEAL pathway training into something greater.
My CNA program instructor Mr. Cortez explained it best when talking about the course: “If you are going to be anything in healthcare, this is a great starting point for you.”
A new starting point for me. I see all these future CNAs around me in their nicely pressed scrubs and I am even more excited for what this CNA journey will bring!