Teacher Appreciation: Mr. Daniel Hearon

Pepper Bough staff writer Brandon Salvato shares the number of ways Mr. Hearon goes above and beyond for his STEAM students

Damaris Coto

Mr. Hearon and Pepper Bough writer, Brandon Salvato.

May 1-5, 2023 marks Teacher Appreciation Week. To celebrate, all week members of the Pepper Bough staff will share how their favorite teachers have made an impact on their lives.


As Teacher Appreciation Week is celebrated, it is important to recognize the educators who have made an impact in our lives. One such teacher is Mr. Daniel Hearon, the STEAM shop teacher at CHS. His kindness, dedication, and passion for teaching make him stand out as an exceptional teacher.

Mr. Hearon is more than just a teacher. He is a mentor, a guide, and a friend to his students. Whenever a student is stuck on a project, or needs help, they can always go to him and he has a solution for almost anything. He goes above and beyond to ensure that his students understand the material and feel confident in their abilities.

One of the things that make Mr. Hearon such an exceptional teacher is his ability to make learning fun and exciting. He finds creative ways to teach his students, like measuring a tree with a stick, or telling stories about his experiences, like how President Nixon saved his life by calling off the war long ago. Mr. Hearon’s passion for teaching is contagious, and we can’t help but feel inspired by his enthusiasm.

Mr. Hearon’s dedication to us extends far beyond the classroom. He spends countless hours with the STEAM Club, working on projects like building a solar-powered boat that is estimated to go around 40mph. The boat has many features, like a radio headset, a Momo steering wheel, and a comfortable ride and a sick paint job making it a project that the STEAM Club can be proud of.

His dedication to his students doesn’t end there. Even after a long day at school, Mr. Hearon is always available to help his students, whether it be with a project, late work, or just providing a listening ear. He truly cares about his students, and they can feel that in everything he does.

Mr. Hearon goes above and beyond. He is passionate about teaching, dedicated to his craft, and always willing to help his students in any way possible. He has made a lasting impact on the lives of his students, and for that, we are grateful. On this Teacher Appreciation Week, we celebrate Mr. Hearon and all the teachers who have made a difference in our lives.