The CHS community is showing gratitude all November in daily “Grateful Gobbles”
To celebrate November as the month of gratitude, the Pepper Bough has invited staff, students, and community members to answer that traditional Thanksgiving Dinner table question: “What are you grateful for?”
Michael Esquivel, CHS Link Crew Adviser
“I am grateful for all of the students in Link Crew. Each of you are so amazing in your own way and very important to the program!”
—Michael Esquivel, CHS Link Crew Adviser
Alexandra Medina, CHS English teacher
“I am grateful for my bestie and English 3 team member, Candice Tapia! I love working with her on lessons and planning for our classes. I am lucky I get to work with my best friend!”
—Alexandra Medina, CHS English
Morgan Clark, CHS Science
“My fellow science teachers—they are amazing and I’m thankful to work with them!”
Recently, the CHS Publications Department experienced a major theft as over $20,000 in photography equipment was stolen from our studio over Spring Break. This included all cameras. Any amount you donate will help rebuild our program. Thank you!