Courtesy Leslie Venegas

Leslie Venegas

Why do you deserve the crown?

I deserve the crown because I’ve always pushed myself to be an outgoing person and to be a positive influence. I’ve tried my best to be kind and genuine to others and to make sure everyone has a good time, no matter where I am. Winning Prom Queen would be a great experience since I am running with my boyfriend and would love to share that special moment of winning and dancing together at Prom.

If you had a theme song, what would it be?

What is one thing you want voters to know about you?

One thing I want voters to know about me is that I’m here for a good time not a long time.

What activities, sports, or other school programs are you involved with?
I am involved in ASB (ASB Treasurer), NHS, Volleyball (captain), and AVID (all 4 years), and I am also taking AP classes.

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