J. Dollins

Brooke Carlson is bringing her sense of humor to this year’s Homecoming Court.

Brooke Carlson is busting high school stereotypes

Senior Brooke Carlson is running for Homecoming Queen this year and plans on doing more than receiving a crown.  

Brooke is an overachieving, college-focused, theater and band performing, star swimmer, cat loving student motivated to change CHS by winning Homecoming Queen and spreading what she is all about. 

Students across campus see Brooke as very sociable and supportive towards all. However, she wants to further her agenda of support and show others that they too can be as comfortable as she is when it comes to being social.

“I feel as though I could be a good influence on people,” Brooke said, “and encourage people and students to step out of their comfort zone and put themselves out there. I want students to have a good high school experience and make new friends.”

Ironically, by helping students with her campaign, Brooke has received a lot of help back. 

She is grateful for the support she’s gotten, which will hopefully see her over the finish line when she gets voted Homecoming Queen. 

In addition to being a Drum Major, thespian, and social butterfly, Brooke Carlson is also a talented painter. Here’s one of her cat, Tyler. It’s not sure if he’s enjoying being the subject of an oil painting. (Courtesy Brooke Carlson)

“My mom helped me to create all of my posters, and stayed in our craft room for hours with me to perfect my campaign,” Brooke shared as she listed all those who helped here. “Mr. Wurz helped me design my well-known buttons and supported my campaign through and through. He has taught me important aspects of graphic design, and has inspired me to be as creative as possible. I am thankful to have such a support system in the things I do, big and small.” 

Brooke’s overall goal is to instill a sense of confidence in students to grow by being socially active in school and breaking the molds students may also have instilled in them. 

Being Drum Major for the CHS Marching Band and 2022 Homecoming Queen is an accomplishment Brooke thinks will encourage others to do the same afterwards once she graduates. 

“I want to leave my mark on Colton somehow . . . anyone can reach their dreams as long as they put the work in.” 

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