Teachers Should Get Paid More

Nathaly Rodriguez, Reporter

Teachers play an important role in our life to be successful in a career and business and they teach us everything that we need to know. Without teachers, there wouldn’t be any learning and no one to teach us anything. But teachers don’t get paid enough. They should get paid more than what they are getting right now because they go through a lot just to teach kids what they know. Teaching is not easy, dealing with students, problems, and stress. They try to do everything they can to teach everything that the students need to know.

A teacher can teach a student to read, write, spell, and much more of the basic things that we all need to know. Yes, we can teach ourselves some things, but there are certain stuff that we won’t be able to learn from ourselves so it is better to get someone who is experienced. The teachers work very hard to get where they are because they do more years of school, after high school, so they can continue teaching the students in the future of what they know. Many teachers have said that they get paid decent or don’t get paid enough. Some do get paid enough because they have been working longer or they do more work but that shouldn’t change the fact that all teachers should get paid higher.

We all believe that their job isn’t easy because they will go through plenty of stuff, especially trying to teach those students that don’t want to learn. All teachers want what is best for all their students, they want them to succeed in life so they won’t have to struggle. They don’t just want to teach students topics related to school, but other things related to life and themselves. Sometimes students can get to the point where they love the teacher because they get close to them and the teacher can inspire them with good things. Some students won’t have no one to look up to at home and the teacher can be it. Teachers are important to the community and personally to us, so they deserve to get a higher wage for all the work that they do.