Canvas painting as a hobby

Jillian Martinez, Reporter

Many have the obsession of the satisfaction where instagrammers paint their shoes, canvases, their doMors, and many other strange items you never thought of. I have been dying to paint on a canvas, especially because I haven’t done it since I was little. So, I chose to plan a painting date with my best friend Laniece, my cousin Samantha, and my two sisters Jazmine and Jessa on Wednesday, October 23rd. When we all started to think of ideas to paint we weren’t sure what we were going for. I myself had thought of an idea before but wasn’t sure how it would’ve turned out. The process of painting takes about 3 hours depending if it’s more or less you’re adding to the artwork. When we planned our paint date, we knew we would be hungry and made sure we made it during the day so we can see better and think of more ideas during the process. I believe that this was definitely a process, but is better if you do it with company. We chose to make our artwork into a competition, but not so serious. For us, this was definitely treated as a therapy session because we talked about so many things, sang together, ate together and painted together. I thought this would’ve been a disaster, but I truly believe we all did a great job for painting for the first time in forever.