Is it too soon to shop for a prom dress?

Adriana Flores, Reporter

Have you ever heard the saying “the sooner the better”? Well in this case, that saying fits perfect because the sooner means the longer you have to get your dress to fit perfectly on you with doing alterations months before the big night hits. The worst time to shop is when “prom season” comes around because that is when every one is shopping at the same places and most likely getting the same dress as you because of the limited decisions you all will have. If you wait until this made up season comes around then, good luck! You will need it, in order to find the right dress that you will love and that fits just right because once this season is here there will be no time to be able to do all the alterations you will need.

According to WikiHow, there are various ways to make your prom dress shopping experience better. Do pick dresses a size larger than normal because dresses usually run smaller than your regular clothes sizes.  Keep your mind open to all possibilities because, “you might love a dress you never thought you’d wear.” And try any dress you like or may even love on because dresses that are in your type of style will look different on you than it does on the hanger, you may like it or may not. As well as keeping your mind open, also keep your ears open too because listening “to the opinions of your mom and/or friends as to what styles and colors look good on you. Just because you like the dress in an ad doesn’t mean it’s the dress for you.” While listening to opinion on what is best for you consider buying whatever you need at the same time you buy the dress for you don’t have to stress over the little things later on. With giving yourself time just know, “Being more expensive doesn’t always mean better, especially when you have a budget to meet.”