Feeling insignificant can cause someone to feel insecure

Torriana Perry, Reporter

Like a speck floating about in space, unseen, unthought of, and uncared about the world has a way of making us feel small. We of course know that the specks are there but how could something so little be of any importance. It is with this mindset that we unintentionally make each other feel like we are insignificant. There’s almost feels like there is no escape from it, it being the negative feeling we get when we are faced with someone and are found lacking.

More often than not we don’t feel secure in our homes,communities, and the outside world. A home is a place where you are suppose to feel safe and cared for. So why is it that those negative emotions are able to find us there. The hard times that we all go through seep in and we are left to take out our frustrations on those who we are closest to. We yell, push, and use people’s insecurities to ‘win’ arguments or to get a reaction so that we can yell some more.

A school is also supposed to be safe but so many students don’t realize the effects their words have on someone. Words are powerful, and can be even more so when they target someone’s insecurities and exploit them. The internet is anyone can see almost anything so it’s often that people’s privacy is violated. Events like that can make a person feel small. The word insignificant means to small or unimportant to be worth consideration. It’s a sad thing when someone feels that way so we need to be aware of the things we say and how we make people feel.