Hurricane Harvey blasts Houston, southern Texas


A man is reunited with his dog after hurricane Harvey flooded Houston.

Cassandra Covarrubias, Reporter

Hurricane Harvey was the most terrible thing that has happened to south Texas. It affected an abundance of people. Hurricane Harvey caused about $23 billion in property damage. Unfortunately, nearly 80% of people had lacked flood insurance meaning they were unable to get the help that was needed. Many people suffered and are still suffering with all the damages that had been caused, ranging from property damage to death.

Death tolls are still rising, now the death toll is 63 people. Sadly, those people were unable to get help and they ended up just drowning. Many families have died together or some dieing trying to help their loved ones. Even pets suffered through this, many had been abandoned by their owners and were just left to die. Rescuers had tried helping everybody they could, but were unable to help everyone who needed it sadly. Many would post on social media that they were seeking help because they were either stuck, unable to provide food, etc.

Thankfully, plenty of celebrities together had donated millions of money to help the tragedy but that was the only thing they would be able to help with. A lot of people around the country are heart felt for this tragedy because this can happen to anyone. Babies, children, adults, and even pets are dying which is really sad. Everyone is hoping they’ll make a quick recovery. If you want to donate, contact your local Red Cross.