Wouldn’t it be a pretty good idea for Colton High to develop technology usages in class? Some schools across the country use technology by having students turn in their work by sending through an email to their teacher and using the internet as a better resource to look up stuff for their assignments. We live in an era that develops technology for many different things. Even some students in Colton High suggest that Google Chrome books would be a good idea to use in class and some teachers feel it’s a good idea, also.
First of all, the chrome books themselves are little portable laptops that are in a cart, so no teachers are getting them permanently. The total number of chrome books available to the English Department make up about a class set–32 to 36 chrome books. The teachers can get them by taking turns with other teachers that need to use them for their classes. For example, a teacher gets the cart of little laptops and they can only use them for a short time so, when the time is up the teacher has to give the cart back for another teacher that needs them.
English teacher Jeremiah Dollins notes that using chrome books here at Colton High will have many advantages. For instance, he says, “we won’t have to lock down the classroom to go to the computer lab, which will save a lot of time, and as having the chrome books as laptops will allow the students to work in partners or as a group because the way of the google apps are set up it allows students to work together.’’ A couple of disadvantages were with how the chrome books are set up there’s not a way to save your work on a flash drive or another device–only on the mysterious google cloud. Another limitation is that, at least for now, there is only the one cart of chrome books.
Some students are really looking forward to using the chrome books for class. The chrome books would be really helpful for research and spelling help. Some students don’t really like how the chrome books sound; some just prefer to write and turn in work by paper.
But for now, Google Chrome books are officially on Colton High’s campus, and are coming to a classroom near you.