Courtesy Joleena Silberman
Why do you deserve the crown?
I would like the crown because I am a 4th generation to graduate from Colton High School and have been in Colton all my life. I was born a Yellowjacket. Six of my family members work inside the district and 3 out of 6 work on campus at Colton High. My family and I have been very home based and do many events and fundraisers outside of school as well.
If you had a theme song, what would it be?
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
I want the voters to know I am very school spirited. I love rally days, spirit weeks, I do powderpuff as well. And love to contribute as much as I can on and off campus.
What activities, sports, or other school programs are you involved with?
I am involved in Varsity Volleyball, I am a captain for girls varsity soccer, and I have been involved in ASB for all 4 years of my schooling at Colton.