I never thought using the restroom could be so complicated!

I never thought using the restroom could be so complicated!

Katthy Santiago, Reporter

There has been much controversy and recent public discussion over some states’ new public restrooms laws. States like North Carolina and Mississippi have passed laws that some have interpreted as discriminatory to Transgender persons.

Coed restrooms are public restrooms in which both women and men may use, and have been put forth as a possible solution to the situation.  Whatever the reason may be for developing these public restrooms, to me, they seem complicated.

In fact, in today’s society, everything is complicated.

For example, watch this progression:

A. There’s a men’s room and there’s a women’s room. BUT, transgenders are left out.

B. There’s a men’s room, a women’s room, and a transgender’s room. BUT now there is controversy about how a transgender women and a transgender man cannot enter the same restroom for the same reason that a man cannot enter the women’s restroom.

C. A restroom for men, women, transgender men, AND transgender woman?

Example C would not suffice because of the economic costs of keeping up with four restrooms in every public building.

Example B would not be successful because there would be too much controversy over the transgender restroom.

Example A is the system we have now and it is the one that has also been controversial because some people are uncomfortable with sharing a restroom with a transgender.

Are coed restrooms really the solution or do we await even more controversy?