Don’t write Trump off so fast–here’s why he’ll win

Dont write Trump off so fast--heres why hell win

Katthy Santiago, Reporter

The following is Political Commentary:


There has been much controversy over celebrity Donald Trump running for presidency, although has anyone ever wondered WHY people are voting for him? The media has had its fun with perceiving Trump as an unfiltered racist, yet here he is as his party’s nominee for President of the United States. Is he gaining his votes solely because of his negative reputation? The answer is no, here is why.

Trump is worth over $4 billion but that’s not the only reason Americans are voting for him. According to an article on, there are many reasons why Trump should be the next President of the United States.

The first argument talks about the fact that he is different. Which is true, that is why he quickly became a sort of celebrity. But he was not the first one that gained votes because he was known as a celebrity, Kennedy had this advantage as well.

Another advantage Trump has is that, surprisingly, Latinos and African-Americans like him. They actually like him. Why? Because Trump speaks for the middle-class and the blue-collar workers. In fact, he is the first republican who actually has a chance at obtaining a large amount of the African-Americans’ vote.

Trump is also idolized for his business accomplishments.With Trump being a billionaire, his projects create an abundant amount of jobs. It has been said that Trump treats his workers well. Also, Trump’s wealth allowed him to be the only presidential candidate that was not reliant on donors for his campaign.

Last but not least, although probably the most obvious, Trump had no filter. “He is a man that says what he means and means what he says”, quotes an article from He is also seen as candor and transparent by his supporters.

Perhaps there is more than just cruel and biased media, Trump has flaws, but hey so do we. We’re all human after all.