Homecoming pep rally holds surprise for beloved teacher

Chantz Horton, Reporter

October 21 was a day to remember. The homecoming pep rally was one for the ages. As students funneled into the gym, with upbeat music keeping the crowd at ease, the students took their seats and the roar of the crowd shook the very floor they walked on shaking the walls the ceiling, from outside you could hear them cheering. The Colton High School band put on an amazing performance as they played an array of songs. As the crowd continually cheered there was a competition for a spirit stick between the classes in which the seniors dominated.The seniors eventually turned the stick over the juniors and freshman.

There was an array of performances as the cheerleaders led the performances with their own. Their heartfelt performance was filled with throws flips which made everyone ooh and ahhhh with amazement. The Polynesian Club would eventually gain the attention of the crowd with their own performance which would equally amaze the crowd. The Polynesian Club would hold up their reputation as amazing dancers as they got the crowd pumped and fired up. These were also accompanied by each of the classes performed making their class roar with excitement shaking the ground, their roars were felt outside of the stadium as the chants of each class filled the air. Each class danced a rehearsed performance all of which made the crowd laugh and cheer and have an amazing memory that they could all remember as they saw each other’s friends down in the middle of the stage dancing having an amazing time.

This was all topped off by a surprise for an amazing teacher. Dr. Lisa Nicolay’s birthday was the same day. As the band surprised nicolay with singing happy birthday she was teary eyed as they showed the appreciation of Nicolay’s services as a teacher, a friend, and overall an amazing person. We couldn’t have thanked nicolay in a better way. Nicolay’s band president Veronica Juarez gave her a great big heartfelt hug as Nicolay walked across the floor into the center of the stadium. As the crowd cheered Nicolay’s name and sang Happy Birthday, Nicolay struggled to keep from having a great big smile and almost breaking down into tears.